Friday, February 25, 2011

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Let'd do a review on...Batman: Arkham Asylum

ESRB Rating: T (Teen)

Platforms: XBOX 360-PS3-PC

Joker was caught intoxicated in public, so Batman slapped him around a little bit, and took him to Arkham Asylum. When they arrived, Joker escaped and released all of Arkham's inmates, including Killer Croc, Scarecrow, and Poison Ivy, to name a few. Joker wants a type of crack, that is in the asylum, that turns people into Bane-looking monsters. Batman has to find the Joker and the source of the crack, all while fighting Arkham's most feared villains.

This Batman game is an Over-the-Shoulder, or third-person, stealth game. You will be finding clues all over the island that will take you all over the place. Batman uses a Freeflow combat system that allows you to jump around to each enemy non-stop, until their knocked out! You also get to use some of Batman's signature weapons, like the Batarangs, the Batclaw, his Zipline and exploding playdoh. This is a stealth game, which means that you could also take down your enemies by sneaking up on them and give them a good kick in the balls.

The graphics are actually pretty good. The cut scenes are what really made me shit myself! They're that clear! The actual gameplay is cool, too. Batman has that smooth motion of his signature cape and Arkham island is a nice place to explore.

How long it takes to beat this game is completely up to you. You could get up to the halfway point if you know what your doing. There are some little side missions to do. The Riddler hid trophies all over the island and you can collect them to get points for an upgrade and they also give you some bonus.....stuff!
My Opinion:
Who doesn't like Batman?! It took me a while to pick up this game, but I'm glad that I did! This game is for everyone because you have the suspense of a stealth game and a childhood favorite superhero!

Transformers: War for Cybertron

Today's review is on...Transformers: War for Cybertron

ESRB Rating: T (Teen)

Platforms: XBOX 360-PS3-Wii-DS-PC

It's a classic Transformers plot. Let's all say it on 3. Ready? 1..2..3 "Stop Megatron!" Once again, Megatron is up to no good and it's up to the Autobots to stop him. This time, Megatron is trying to take over the Transformers home-world of Cybertron by collecting dark energon and shoving it up the ass of the planet's core. It's up to Optimus Prime and his pals to stop him before Megatron can claim Cybertron for himself and make the Autobots wait twice as long at the DMV.

This Transformers game takes place in the G1 series, or Generation One, which means that everybody looks old school. You can still transform into you vehicle mode, which includes cars, tanks, trucks and even jet planes. Every character you play as only has one basic melee attack. They turn their hands into random blunt objects, and unleash one swift swing at your enemy. Who has time for that when you can pick up weapons and shoot your enemy in the face! You get snipers, rocket launchers and even rifle-like guns. It's not an open world game, but they give you enough room to transform and do some quick drifting!

Again, another beautiful game to look at. There is really nothing wrong with the graphics in this game. They clearly took there time and made it pretty to look at. Since they are Transformers, you can see the occasional movement of some of their body parts, which is really cool.

You can play as both the Autobots and Decepticons. To make the story clear, they force you to start off as the Decepticons, but who gives a shit. You were going to do it, anyways! Some levels are a lot longer that others. Some go for about half an hour, while others leave you begging for a checkpoint to turn it off! It took me a few days to beat this game, but it all depends on how long you play it. This is not a game that can be done in a few hours, so take your time and enjoy what the game throws at you.

My Opinion:
I personally love the Transformers game series, so this was a must buy for me. If the little kid in you wants it, get it! You can't go wrong with this game if you pick it up. Clearly, it's not for everyone, so I hope my review on this game helps you make up your mind.

Red Dead Redemption

I'm in the mood to do another review. Lets go with...Red Dead Redemption

ESRB Rating: M (Mature)

Platforms: XBOX 360/ PS3

It's the year of 1911, the year of the old west.You are John Marston, a cowboy with a low temper. John was a part of a gang back in his youth, but now he is a stay-at-home daddy (aww!). Everything was fine until the government kidnaps his hooker wife and his son. If John wants to see his family again, he has to find his former gang members and bring them to justice! Left with no choice, he sets off all over the old west to find his old buddies. Along the way, he makes some friends, enemies and you get to do it all on a fucking horse!

Red Dead Redemption is an open-world game. The way you do the missions are completely up to you. You can enjoy a nice stroll through the open plains or jump on a horse and kidnap prostitutes. John has a nice variety of weapons to choose from, whether it's from ropes, guns, knives or even ram your horse at full speed into an innocent person for laughs. This game even includes wild animals! Keep your eyes open for rabbits, wolves, birds and even bears! You can travel from the U.S. all the way to Mexico, too! Remember, this is during 1911, so you just have to cross a bridge to cross the damn country.

The graphics in this game are beautiful! Everything has its own little animation, like people's clothes, the grass, trees, water and the transition from day to night are perfect! Everything is so smooth and clear that you can stare into the distance and see whats ahead of you.

This is a game that can never be finished. It's an open-world, people! If you're done with the missions, get yourself a hooker, tie her up, and put her down on a train track....then wait. Go hunt some animals or punch a bear in the ass! Hey, you could even go online and play against other people! Show off how cool you are by punching a bear in the ass in front the whole world! Start a bar fight...why not?!

My Opinion:
Red Dead Redemption is a breakthrough in video games! They put so much into this game, you don't know what to do and end up punching bears in the ass! I absolutely love this game and so should you! There is something for everyone in this game. I dare you to find a flaw in this game!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Alan Wake

For my first review, lets jump into a game called Alan Wake.

ESRB Rating: T (Teen)

Platforms: XBOX 360 Exclusive

The plot of Alan Wake is really unique. It's about a writer with...postpartum depression or some crap like that. I'm just fucking around! He has writers block. His wife, Alice, takes him to some depressing town called Bright Falls to try and get him to write again. Of course, nothing good comes out of visiting a creepy town, where everybody knows everybody. Alice suddenly disappears and it's up to Alan to find her. Trying to find Alice takes Alan all over Bright Falls, including the forest, caves and...forests. To add to his list of problems, Alan suffers from hangovers, which causes him to get images of his screaming wife. Wait, he suffers from headaches, my bad.

The way you play Alan Wake may seem familiar. It's mainly getting from point A to point B without...dying. It's somewhat an open-world because their are many ways to get to your destination. The only thing getting in your way are these shadow people, and lucky for Alan, he has a fucking flashlight and a hand gun. It's pretty obvious on what to do: Remove their weird shadows covering their bodies...and shoot them like a son of a bitch! On the way, you can pick up bigger guns and more powerful flashlights and even run over your shadowy nemesis in a car! This is a Thriller game, which I found out the hard way, that it means that this game will scare the shit out of you if your playing it really loud! Expect the occasional enemy to leap out behind a tree or be waiting for you in a bathroom...just saying.

Not much I can say about this. Alan Wake has pretty good graphics. There is the occasional blurry face when you get Alan too close to the screen, but why would you do that? Most of Alan Wake is played in the night, because he can't get it through his head that his enemy hates the light. For a game based on dark areas, they made it clear enough to see through the dark forests, towns and random abandoned buildings.

It took me a while to beat Alan Wake. This game is split up into Chapters. By the time it took me to finish one chapter, my eyes were red! This game will definetly keep you busy! Sadly, when your done with this game, there is nothing left to do but beat it again! There are some DLC on the marketplace that takes you even further into Alan's journey, so...look forward to that, I guess.

My Opinion:
Alan Wake is definitely one of my favorite games. It has a bad-ass story and it will keep you hooked until you're done. I've completed the game 3 times and it never gets old. It is a must buy for all of you xbox 360 owners! This game is different from the others. If you want to try something new, pick up Alan Wake!

My Blog!

I'm GameKid, but you can call me Game! I'm going to be reviewing past, present and future video games. I am NOT a professional game reviewer! I'm just a normal dude, like you, and I want my opinions about todays games heard! Since I'm not a professional, you know that everything I will say isn't bullshit! (and, yes, I cuss...big deal..)

Basically, I will start reviewing all of my games that I currently own and go from there.

I look for a few things in a good game:


After going through all of that, I give my opinion. Tell me your opinion in the comment section of your favorite game!